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Child labor ended years ago in the United State all because of such Unions and grassroots group that came together and helped fought against it. The groups came up with different strategies that still applies today, such as, free education for all children in America and organized for their groups. Since the ending of child labor, all children received free education in the United State.  Nowadays for a child to get any job in the United State you must have a working permit for you to be approved to work.  

China economy is growing because it has a massive work force, most of these work force are composed of children who work day and night in factories and mines where they receive low wages. About ten percent of Chinese children hold a full time job instead of going to school each year. They make over thousands of goods everyday that are mostly shipped to such western countries like the United States and England.

This is a labor agreement saying that each child shouldn't work under the conditions they are working through. They would usually put an 'X" on their names because a lot of the children couldn't read. 



Support ending child labor

In child labor kids are force to work for many hours and we should stop this because it morally wrong, also it bad for their health. The factories and areas these children are forced to work in are ridiculously dangerous, as a child, as a 5+ growing up and working over 60 hours is very bad for the body. They need education, it is sad that a kid who would cherish education more is facing these stages in life when the kid who got a easy doesn't take advantage.     

I care about child labor because in my country Liberia, a lot of children are facing child labor right now due to the low economies and civil war. It effects me personally because one of my friend's were apart of child labor when they were young and forced to do things their body couldn't handle. I remember her asking me for help when I first came to the United State, because many people thinks America is the greatest country and I could help her but not that she know I couldn't help her . I have no job nor about to help her entire family. Which hurts me the most because no child should ever have to suffer at a very young age. 

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